Tuesday, 17 September 2013

8085 Microprocessor Book

8085 Microprocessor Book
1. Introduction to Microprocessors
2. 8085 Microprocessor Architecture
3. Assembly Language Instructions
4. Assembly Language Programming
5. Stack, Subroutine and Macro
6. Timing and Time Delay
7. Interfacing Memory and Onput-Output Devices
8. Interrupts
9. Interfaceing Programmable Peripheral Devices
10. Interfacing Data Converters
11. Advanced Microprocessors
12. The 8051 Microcontroller
13. Microprocessor Application

Authors: Dr. Anil Swarnkar.

Advance Topics in Operating Systems Book

Advance Topics in Operating Systems Book
1. Operating Systems Structures
2. Threads Advance Concepts
3. Message Passing System
4. File System
5. Input/Output Systems
6. System Security
7. The Linux OS
8. The Window OS
9. Multiprocessor Operating Systems
10. Multimedia Operating System
11. Mobile Operating System

Authors: Lalita Kr Singh, Surchi Chopra.

Advanced Power Electronics Book

Advanced Power Electronics Book
1. AC Voltage Controllers
2. Inverters
3. Cycloconverters
4. DC Power Supplies
5. AC Power Supplies

Authors: Mr. Pankaj Chawla, Mrs. Anjali Jain, Mrs. Richa Goswami.

Artificial Intelligence Book

Artificial Intelligence Book
1. Introduction to AI
2. Problem Solving in AI
3. Search and Control Techniques
4. Knowledge Representation
5. Symbolic Logic : Propositional Calculus and Predicate Calculus
6. Symbolic Reasoning
7. Game Playing : Adversarial Search
8. Introduction to Planning
9. Natural Language Processing
10. Learning
11. An Introduction to Neural Networks
12. Fuzzy Logic System
13. An Introductin to Expert System
14. Probabilistic Reasoning and Baye’s Theorem
15. Genetic Algorithms

Authors: Amit Barjyatya, Dinesh Diggiwal.

Computer Network Book

Computer Network Book
0. Introduction to Computer Networks
1. Network Layer
2. Internetworking
3. Transport Layer
4. Transport Layer in the Internet
5. Application Layer

Authors: Suresh Fatehpuria, Dimple Jayaswal.

Control Systems Engineering Book

Control Systems Engineering Book
1. Introduction
2. Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems
3. Transfer Function
4. Block Diagram Representation
5. Signal Flow Graphs
6. Laplace Transform
7. Time Response Analysis
8. Feedback Characteristics of System
9. Stability of The System
10. Root Locus Method
11. Frequency Response Analysis
12. State Variable Analysis
13. State Models
14. Eigen Values, Vectors and Solution of State Equation
15. Digital Control System

Authors: V K Jain, Smita Pareek.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Design & Analysis of Algorithms Book

Design & Analysis of Algorithms
1. Introduction to Algorithm Analysis
2. Divide and Conquer Approach
3. Greedy Method
4. Dynamic Programming
5. Branch and Bound
6. Backtracking
7. Pattern Matching
8. Assignment Problem
9. Randomized Algorithms
10. Flow Networks
11. NP Completeness
12. Solutions